Victory Garden Time

Spring has sprung and it is time to get those seeds in the ground.  Not unlike the tough times of the World Wars, victory garden seems the appropriate title for this year’s Spring planting.

This year’s victory gardens will serve the same purpose that they were originally coined to do, supplement our food supply and boost our morale.  With no reasonable end in sight to the social isolation and quarantines, food supplies have dropped and finding the freshest fruits, vegetables and herbs will become harder and harder to come by.  Nothing is fresher than something just plucked from your backyard garden.  On top of having the freshest and healthiest food possible, a victory garden will supply you with something productive to do during your many long days at home.

Caring for a plant from seed until it fruits also carries a sense of accomplishment and gratefulness, something that we are in dire need of at the moment.   

We are currently in a leased home, and have not requested permission to dig and till up half the lawn.  Instead we may pursue some raised garden beds.  Regardless, now is the time to get those seedlings planted and going.  We personally have started a couple small trays of lettuce, spinach, beans and peas, that are just now starting to sprout from seeds.   

We also potted some young tomato and strawberry plants that have a jump start on the season.  I look forward to watching these plants grow and produce food.  I look forward to eating what they produce even more!

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9 thoughts on “Victory Garden Time”

  1. We’ve been busy with sowing seeds too. So far we have lost of herbs, various salads, strawberries and even pine trees and planning on more. We just have to find an efficient way on how to deal with slugs; they ate all of my strawberries last year!

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    1. I have come across a few tips for slugs. One is to finely crush egg shells and scatter them around your plants, the shells stick to the slugs and stop them. Another is put out a jar lid of beer to attract the slugs there instead. And third is to grow rosemary around the affected plants, slugs don’t like rosemary.

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      1. These are such fantastic tips! Thank you very much! Given the number of the slugs we saw last year, we might need to try all three methods. Much appreciated and have a good day 😀 Aiva

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  2. We are renting at the moment so I don’t feel comfortable in digging up the backyard. Instead, we made 2×1 m raised beds from old pallets. They aren’t the prettiest ones, but we get the veggies and that’s more important. 😊Forgot to wish you Happy Earth day!

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  3. Great post, i really enjoyed it! Victory gardens are such a great idea — locally-grown foods are a source of food security but also contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions as we cut down transportation costs. In the time of a pandemic, growing your own foods can also provide peace of mind as you have more assurance about who has been handling our food. I started my first round of seedlings 6 weeks ago. that may have been too soon, but I have a second round under my lights as we speak. looking forward to the post-frost weeks of May to stick them into the ground!

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